Uncharted Territory; An Interview with Nick Cove of Nick Cove & The Wandering
Nick Cove & The Wandering’s debut Harbinger exhibits a distinct approach to the writing process. Creating a dynamic sound that ranges from quiet terrain to bombastic choruses, the tracks offer quite the energetic, atmospheric world of music. “This album, to me, feels authentic and genuine. These songs were written over a long period of time, but somehow, they all feel like they should be together,” Cove says in regards to Harbinger. “The music and the lyrics complement each other in such a way that does not feel out of place. Everything fits exactly where it needs to and says what it needs to say when it needs to. Harbinger is what I’ve wanted the world to hear for years.”
We spoke with Cove to talk more about the debut and other topics.
Read the full article HERE.